Welcome to Abbey Secondhand Books in Paisley

21 Wellmeadow Street
0141 887 7303
Tue - Sat: 10:15am - 5:15pm
Over the Holiday Period we will be open these days:
Friday 20th and Sat 21st December
Tuesday 24th Dec only until 3:15pm
Sat 28th Dec
Tues 31st Dec
Fri 3rd and Sat 4th Jan
Then as normal from Tuesday 7th January
The shop is at 21 Wellmeadow St - near the University and Paisley Museum and Library. About 400m west of both. About 1km west of Paisley Gilmour Street station. See map.
Abbey Books has 40,000 books (who's counting?) on a wide range of topics. Almost too much history, poetry and fiction never mind art, music and drama. And then there's the children's books! Oh, and sheet music!
Most of the books on these pages should be in the shop - somewhere! But some will be sold or out-of-stock so please get in touch if you are coming specially to look at a book you have seen here.
You can see some of our books on the Instagram page.
Radio Interview
Brian was recently (26th August 2024) interviewed on Paisley Radio about Abbey Books.
Shop Views
New Book(s)
Local Authors
Whether you like it or not we do sell on eBay (George) eBay (Brian) and Amazon. Most books are displayed in the shop first but are moved to Amazon after a while if it seems worth it. We have about 3000 books listed.
We sell a few old postcards in the shop.
We also have a few new postcards, produced by one of our customers. They include four of the old Renfrew Airport which closed in 1966. These cards sell at £1 each.
Book Tokens
If you want to give a present of money but don't want the poor soul to buy what they want, why not give them an Abbey Books book token? They're nice!
The gentleman in charge of the shop is Brian Hannan, who has been renting the shop since August 2022